【同义词辨析】 2018-08-24 屈服yield-defer
yield: in reference to a person implies being overcome by force or entreat: ~ed to their pleas for popcorn; but in reference to a thing implies such qualities as elasticity or weakness that facilitate a giving way: a mattress that ~ed to pressure. (entreat劝说: to persuade or overcome resistance劝说或克服反对,如entreated him to change his mind劝说他改变主意) (plea请求理解同情宽容等, their plea for a quieter society他们请求构建更安静的社会)
submit: suggests a full surrendering after resistance or conflict to the will or control of another: voluntarily ~ed to an inspection of the premises.
capitulate: stresses the fact of ending all resistance and may imply either a coming to terms, as with an adversary, OR submission to an irresistible opposing force: the college president ~d to the protesters' demands. (to come to terms with达成妥协协议: she had come to terms with the tragedies in her life她对生活的不幸已经逆来顺受了)
succumb: implies weakness and helplessness in the one that gives way or an overwhelming power in the one that overcomes: a stage actor ~ing to the lure of Hollywood.
relent: implies a yielding through pity or mercy by one who holds the upper hand: finally ~ed and let the children stay up late. (to hold the upper hand:占优势上风)
defer: implies a voluntary yielding or submitting out of respect or reverence for or deference or affection toward another: I ~ to your superior expertise in these matters. (revere和respect都是尊敬,即认为有价值,区别在深度)
yield让步或有弹性: 表示人屈服于强迫或劝说(force or entreat),或物柔软有弹性,submit屈服: 抵抗冲突后完全投降,服从他人意志控制,capitulate投降屈服: 强调不再抵抗的事实,可能是和对手达成妥协协议或屈服于不可抗力,succumb屈服: 暗示屈服一方虚弱无助或另一方有压倒性力量,relent让步: 强势一方出于怜悯宽容而让步,defer尊崇折服: 表示自愿让步,出于尊敬爱戴
记忆方法: 1)首字母YSCSRD重组成YCSDRS想成要承受得忍受<==能屈能伸 (栁青《创业史》二九章:“那些为了事业能屈能伸,能忍能让的人,才是最坚强的人”;冯德英《苦菜花》第三章:"这就叫大丈夫能屈能伸")
2)屈服的意思是让步于人或物因为无法抵抗mean to give way to someone or something that one can no longer resist.